Our core responsibility to the EOSIO community is to help govern,
technically manage and provide effective services across all of our supported EOSIO based networks.
EOSphere PTY LTD is a registered Australian Company
Australian Company Number – ACN 624 333 035
Base of operations – Perth, Western Australia
Physical Address:
308 Fitzgerald Street
Perth,Western Australia,6000
100% of the shares in EOSphere Pty Ltd are held by Ross Dold and Shelley Dold
Since the creation of EOSphere in January 2018 we have been completely self-funded to date and don’t expect to have any external investment at all, which further emphasises our independence.

Partner and Secretary
50% Ownership

50% Ownership
Code of Conduct
EOSphere’s primary mission is to effectively provide the Block Producer, Guild and Validator services required to support thousands of commercial scale decentralised applications (dApps) which requires not only an agile enterprise scale infrastructure solution, but also a mature operational structure to govern, monitor, maintain and manage that infrastructure.
We also believe in the concept of a positive feedback loop where block rewards are reinvested back into the Ecosystem to grow the community and platform adoption through initiatives and education ultimately increasing the asset value for token holders.

The EOSphere team are career professionals. We are united in the belief that decentralisation offers the potential to help realise a more equitable world. In other words, we are what you might consider good, socially responsible individuals who are invested in orchestrating positive change.

EOSphere is a registered company in Australia, with a registered office/HQ in Perth and may be required to submit financial reports to ASIC – the Australian Securities and Investment Commission. EOSphere will also aim to make itself available to any reasonable request from EOSIO community groups.

We recognise that successfully running and governing a blockchain network is a community effort. EOSphere is committed to allocating a proportion of our rewards to ‘all-of-community benefit’ and/or ‘all-of block producer, guild or validator’ style initiatives and projects. Examples might be funding joint development of specific monitoring tools, funding community beneficial dApps, or funding developer and community education initiatives.

Although running and governing a blockchain network will be a co-operative effort, it’s important for the decentralised nature of blockchain governance mechanisms that EOSphere is not influenced by a vested interest and is free from any constraints that would prevent it from taking the correct and proper course of action. EOSphere will take any necessary steps to maintain that independence.

EOSphere are committed to the success of our supported networks with a diverse team of full and part-time members as well as Community team members all sharing the common goal of growing the Ecosystem and platform adoption.

Professional integrity
The EOSphere team are 20+ year career professionals with outstanding community and industry reputations. For us, this means conducting ourselves and representing stakeholders in a professional, respectful, honest and ethical manner.

Positive Feedback Loop
EOSphere believes in creating a positive feedback loop where the rewards from Block Production will be reinvested to grow the ecosystem. Some of the ways that EOSphere are committed to reinvesting are:
- Data Center Infrastructure and Operations for running our supported networks
- Blockchain Governance
- Community Support and Engagement
- Financial Support for dApp Development
- Sponsoring Education and Awareness
BP Agreement
The {{ regproducer }} action is required by Block Producer Candidates to register their intent to be elected as Block Producers by token holders. By performing this action Block Producer Candidates agree to adhere to the below Ricardian Contract by signing it on the EOS blockchain. We have posted it here for community visibility.
The intent of the eosphereiobp action is to register an account as a BP candidate.
I, eosphereiobp, hereby nominate myself for consideration as an elected block producer.
If eosphereiobp is selected to produce blocks by the eosio contract, I will sign blocks with the eosphereiobp block producer key and I hereby attest that I will keep this key secret and secure.
If eosphereiobp is unable to perform obligations under this contract I will resign my position by resubmitting this contract with the null producer key.
I acknowledge that a block is ‘objectively valid’ if it conforms to the deterministic blockchain rules in force at the time of its creation, and is ‘objectively invalid’ if it fails to conform to those rules.
eosphereiobp hereby agrees to only use the eosphereiobp block producer key to sign messages under the following scenarios: proposing an objectively valid block at the time appointed by the block scheduling algorithm pre-confirming a block produced by another producer in the schedule when I find said block objectively valid confirming a block for which eosphereiobp has received 2/3+ pre-confirmation messages from other producers
I hereby accept liability for any and all provable damages that result from my: signing two different block proposals with the same timestamp with the eosphereiobp block producer key signing two different block proposals with the same block number with the eosphereiobp block producer key signing any block proposal which builds off of an objectively invalid block signing a pre-confirmation for an objectively invalid block signing a confirmation for a block for which I do not possess pre-confirmation messages from 2/3+ other producers
I hereby agree that double-signing for a timestamp or block number in concert with 2 or more other producers shall automatically be deemed malicious and subject to a fine equal to the past year of compensation received and immediate disqualification from being a producer, and other damages. An exception may be made if eosphereiobp can demonstrate that the double-signing occurred due to a bug in the reference software; the burden of proof is on eosphereiobp.
I hereby agree not to interfere with the producer election process. I agree to process all producer election transactions that occur in blocks I create, to sign all objectively valid blocks I create that contain election transactions, and to sign all pre-confirmations and confirmations necessary to facilitate transfer of control to the next set of producers as determined by the system contract.
I hereby acknowledge that 2/3+ other elected producers may vote to disqualify eosphereiobp in the event eosphereiobp is unable to produce blocks or is unable to be reached, according to criteria agreed to among producers.
If eosphereiobp qualifies for and chooses to collect compensation due to votes received, eosphereiobp will provide a public endpoint allowing at least 100 peers to maintain synchronization with the blockchain and/or submit transactions to be included. eosphereiobp shall maintain at least 1 validating node with full state and signature checking and shall report any objectively invalid blocks produced by the active block producers. Reporting shall be via a method to be agreed to among producers, said method and reports to be made public.
The community agrees to allow eosphereiobp to authenticate peers as necessary to prevent abuse and denial of service attacks; however, eosphereiobp agrees not to discriminate against non-abusive peers.
I agree to process transactions on a FIFO best-effort basis and to honestly bill transactions for measured execution time.
I, eosphereiobp agree not to manipulate the contents of blocks in order to derive profit from: the order in which transactions are included the hash of the block that is produced
I, eosphereiobp, hereby agree to disclose and attest under penalty of perjury all ultimate beneficial owners of my company who own more than 10% and all direct shareholders.
I, eosphereiobp, hereby agree to cooperate with other block producers to carry out our respective and mutual obligations under this agreement, including but not limited to maintaining network stability and a valid blockchain.
I, eosphereiobp, agree to maintain a website hosted at which contains up-to-date information on all disclosures required by this contract.
I, eosphereiobp, agree to set {{location}} such that eosphereiobp is scheduled with minimal latency between my previous and next peer.
I, eosphereiobp, agree to maintain time synchronization within 10 ms of global atomic clock time, using a method agreed to among producers.
I, eosphereiobp, agree not to produce blocks before my scheduled time unless I have received all blocks produced by the prior producer.
I, eosphereiobp, agree not to publish blocks with timestamps more than 500ms in the future unless the prior block is more than 75% full by either CPU or network bandwidth metrics.
I, eosphereiobp, agree not to set the RAM supply to more RAM than my nodes contain and to resign if I am unable to provide the RAM approved by 2/3+ producers, as shown in the system parameters.
Chain | URL |
EOS Mainnet | |
TELOS Mainnet | |
TELOS Testnet | |
WAX Mainnet | |
WAX Testnet | |
Libre Mainnet | |
Libre Testnet | |
FIO Mainnet | |
FIO Testnet | |
Proton Mainnet | |
Proton Testnet | |
ORE Mainnet | |
Kylin | |
Jungle | |