Our core responsibility to our community, clients and partners is to help govern,

technically manage and provide effective services across all of our supported blockchain networks.

Monitoring and Alerts

The HeadsUp Monitoring and Alerts Platform has been created by EOSphere for the Antelope Web3 community to encourage healthy infrastructure and blockchain service delivery.

HeadsUp is designed for Antelope Node Operators to run a private instance of the platform on their internal network to monitor and alert on:

  • Antelope Nodeos
  • Hyperion History
  • Atomic Assets API

Alerts can be configured to notify via the GUI Website Frontend, Email and Slack.

HeadsUp is simple to configure and deploy with docker compose which utilises three docker containers editable in a single compose .yaml file. These containers consist of the HeadsUp Website, HeadsUp Ingestor and Postgres Database containers.

Get started with HeadsUp by following the Configuration and Deployment Guide

Headsup is free for non-commercial use and we hope that it makes your Antelope DevOps life simpler through excellent visability and monitoring.

Monitoring and Alerts

The HeadsUp Monitoring and Alerts Platform has been created by EOSphere for the Antelope Web3 community to encourage healthy infrastructure and blockchain service delivery.

HeadsUp is designed for Antelope Node Operators to run a private instance of the platform on their internal network to monitor and alert on:

  • Antelope Nodeos
  • Hyperion History
  • Atomic Assets API

Alerts can be configured to notify via the GUI Website Frontend, Email and Slack.

HeadsUp is simple to configure and deploy with docker compose which utilises three docker containers editable in a single compose .yaml file. These containers consist of the HeadsUp Website, HeadsUp Ingestor and Postgres Database containers.

Get started with HeadsUp by following the Configuration and Deployment Guide

Headsup is free for non-commercial use and we hope that it makes your Antelope DevOps life simpler through excellent visability and monitoring.


We provide regular snapshots and backups for EOSWAX, FIO, TELOS and Libre.

  • nodeos snapshots
  • nodeos blocks backups
  • nodeos state-history backups
  • Atomic API backups
  • Hyperion ElasticSearch snapshots

This service is constantly expanding if you have a specific request please contact one of the EOSphere team in our telegram group.


We provide regular snapshots and backups for EOSWAX, FIO, TELOS and Libre.

  • nodeos snapshots
  • nodeos blocks backups
  • nodeos state-history backups
  • Atomic API backups
  • Hyperion ElasticSearch snapshots

This service is constantly expanding if you have a specific request please contact one of the EOSphere team in our telegram group.


EOSphere offer Commercial Solutions for Blockchain Services.

We are able to host or operate your own infrastructure for the following:

  • Hyperion Full History
  • Atomic API
  • Network API

Please contact us at to discuss your needs so we can craft a suitable solution for you.

*At this point we unfortunately aren’t able to provide this service to other Guilds , Validators or Producers. However you are welcome to use our Snapshot Service.


EOSphere offer Commercial Solutions for Blockchain Services.

We are able to host or operate your own infrastructure for the following:

  • Hyperion Full History
  • Atomic API
  • Network API

Please contact us at to discuss your needs so we can craft a suitable solution for you.

*At this point we unfortunately aren’t able to provide this service to other Guilds , Validators or Producers. However you are welcome to use our Snapshot Service.

Public Endpoints




EOS Mainnet
TELOS Mainnet
WAX Mainnet
Libre Mainnet
FIO Mainnet




Jungle Testnet
Kylin Testnet
TELOS Testnet
WAX Testnet
FIO Testnet
Libre Testnet